To Your Health - St. Lucie

Our Health, Our Healthy Community
13 Nov 2018

43rd Annual Great American Smokeout


Tobacco Free Partnership of St. Lucie is proud to participate in the American Cancer Society’s 43rd annual Great American Smokeout® event on Thursday, November 15. We encourage our community partners to commit or recommit to healthy, smoke-free lives – not just for a day, but year around. GASO isn’t necessarily the day for smokers to quit smoking, but rather the day for smokers to start their journey toward a smoke-free life.

 Most of us know all too well the devastating impact tobacco can have on people’s health. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, accounting for 29% of all cancer deaths.  Yet, 37.8 million American adults still smoke. The most important thing smokers can do to improve their health is to quit smoking. At the same time, we know addiction to nicotine in cigarettes is one of the strongest and most deadly addictions one can have. Quitting is hard. It takes commitment and starts with a plan, often takes more than one quit attempt, and requires a lot of support. Getting help through Tobacco Free Florida offers free tools and services to help people quit tobacco. You can learn more about Tobacco Free Florida’s free resources and get additional tips and tools to help you quit at or by calling 1-877-U-CAN-NOW (822-6669).

Tobacco Free Partnership of St. Lucie wants you to be healthy and happy. During this year’s Great American Smokeout® event, we hope you will join us – and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to join us – in committing or recommitting to year-around, smoke-free lives.


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