To Your Health - St. Lucie

Our Health, Our Healthy Community
30 Jan 2020

The Community Themes & Strengths Assessment is Coming!!


The St. Lucie County Health Department (CHD) wants to hear from YOU!

Every 3-5 years, the St. Lucie CHD conducts a community health assessment and uses those results to create a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). We are using a framework recommended by the National Association of County and City Health Officials called, Mobilizing for Community Action Through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP). MAPP contains four main tools for the assessment:

  1. Community Themes and Strengths
  2. Local Public Health Systems
  3. Community Health Status
  4. Forces of Change

We are beginning the Community Themes and Strengths assessment and want input from the community to insure we have a clear picture of what our residents need. We will be gathering input through focus groups, telephone interviews, and an online survey. The brief online survey is scheduled to be live on February 8, 2020. Please be on the lookout for the survey link from your employer, social media sites, and various other channels. We encourage you to click on that link as soon as you see it and share your thoughts.

If you know of groups needing a paper version of the survey, or have other needs to participate in the survey, please contact Jennifer Harris at or 772-785-5838.

Stay tuned for further details and survey links!